Friday, May 22, 2009

In God, all things is POSSIBLE

The happen of Crusade in Juana Old Airport is indeed a MIRACLE done by God. In a stone throw distance from the aircraft landing lane, we have the stage built up, spotlight lighted up here and there, and millions of people shouted the name of "jesus".

During the Crusade management workshop, the event director shared a principle that carved my heart deeply. He said, - "all our seminars, conferences or crusade is not happen because of budget, but it happen because of a VISION from god." Apparently, a vision of organizing a crusade at the old airport had been received by Pas. Philip half a year ago. Even his close ministry partner was gasped of this revealation when Pas. Philip announced it. The committe had gone thru really tough time when getting the permit from government. This has never happen in Indonesia history, or even any country that you are allow to organize any event that located near to the airport. This is due to the concern of the spotlight will distract the plane and literally misleading the plane to land.

The faith of Mawar Sharon Church has open up the heaven gate. Eventually the permit had been approved a week before the event date. Is not by the wisdom of any man, is not by the strength of anyone, indeed is by the might of God, miracle happen. Is heavenly amazing when you are worshipping god while aircraft landed steadily in front of you. God presence was so tangible and strong by the night. The committe member of crusade shared a testimonial that happened on that night. A group of student from other church happen to drop by the crusade venue, accidentally. Their tu-tu car driver had accidentally drove them to a wrong venue. When the moment they step into the compound, one of the student dropped to the floor and bow down. You know what? Is the Glory and presence of God that comes in extreme strong where no one can stand still in HIS glory encounter.

My spirit have been injected with a double dose of faith. Is faith that make God moves in Miracle. Do not frame God in your own understanding. God is way beyond your knowledge. My prayer to God, wishing to see this revival will come to Malaysia one day. Make Muken your choosen church to honor this glory to you. We are ridiculous, but God you work in miraculously. Dear God, let us taste this goodness of miracle excitement as well.

This is my desire, and I surrender to you.

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